Sunday, May 19, 2013

Funky Pharaoh.

Day 13. 

Today, I made one of the best decisions I've ever made. Janell and I went to sing-a-long of Joseph and the Amazing Techicolor Dreamcoat at the Prince Charles Cinema. It was honestly so much fun. I was honestly surprised because there were actually quite a few people there. It was also really awesome because they gave us glow sticks and party poppers when we went into the theatre. 

Janell was on stage for the costume contest.

Our voice/dance instructor.

Outside the theatre wearing our awesome Pharaoh hats.

Janell and I really sang our hearts out. (I'm not sure if this video even works, but I hope it does.)

Then tonight, I went to see the London premiere of Kanye's "New Slaves" music video. It was so awesome. They projected the video out of the trunk of a land rover onto the side of The Royal Opera House in Covent Gardens.

The car where the projector was sitting.

Waiting for it to start.

These people don't like Kanye as much as me so they shouldn't even be here. I'm just joshin', but really...

It's starting!

The first run through it was still pretty light out so it was hard to see, but I could still hear its magical beauty!

Getting clearer.

The last run through was the best. 

Hurry up June 18th. I want Yeezus. Also, I really want Phil to turn 23. 

Tomorrow, I get to see Helen Mirren play Queen Elizabeth II on stage. You should all be very jealous.  

Lots of love from London. 

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