Thursday, June 13, 2013

Martin Luther King, John F. Kennedy, and Michael Jackson...?

Sorry, friends, I haven't blogged in a while. I have been in Stratford and my computer did not want to connect to the internet in our bed and breakfast...

Anyway, the last 3 days have been exhausting and full of Shakespeare. 

On Tuesday I woke up at 6am so get on this coach and drive to Stratford. 
Our coach driver's name was Malcolm, he was really chill.

We made a couple of stops along the way and the first one was in Coventry. Coventry was a town in England that was severely bombed during the Blitz. 

This is Coventry Cathedral.

This was all that was left after the town was bomb. 

Next we stopped at Kenilworth Castle. Elizabeth I visited this castle to see her friend John Dudley. It was pretty cool. 

The Elizabethan Gardens were really pretty. 

Also, I learned this week that I really like flowers. There are going to be a lot of flowers in this blog post...

Then we went to Warwick Castle. 
This picture pretty much sums up my feelings toward Warwick Castle. 

The castle itself is pretty awesome but they kind of turned it into the major tourist place for children under the age of 12...

There are also these evil dummies everywhere. 

I hate them. 

Kaitlin and I literally screamed when we saw this man lurking in the shadows. 

See! The castle looks cool. Why did they have to ruin it with dummies!

Pretty much the best thing about Warwick Castle was the flowers. 

Finally Kaitlin and I went to go sit on the bus because it was cold and rainy.

We finally got to out Bed and Breakfast in Stratford. I'm pretty sure the reason I was so sad the whole time we were in Stratford was because I had to stay in The Hollies without Anna...

But it's still the best B&B in the world.

That night we went to the Royal Shakespeare Company Theatre to see their production of As You Like It. It was definitely the best production of any Shakespeare play I've ever seen. It was pretty much perfect. I loved it so much. 

The next morning we did some more touristy stuff like visit Shakespeare's birthday place. 

The gardens are so beautiful. 

The prettiest colors.

I love poppies. 

Also this happened at Shakespeare's birthplace. 

Then we took a tour of the RSC Theatre. It was pretty cool. We got to see how they make their costumes and stuff. 
This is the Theatre.

That night we saw their production of Hamlet. It was brilliant. 

Then this morning we packed up and left our B&B, but before we left Stratford we stopped at Anne Hathaway's cottage. 

These little feather things are to keep the birds away. 

Her gardens are so cute!

After we left Stratford, we went to Blenheim Palace. 

So gorgeous. 

The Palace grounds were magnificent. 

I found some sheep. 

And this cute sheep!

Also, Kelsey got this Scotch Egg. Weird...

And finally we got back to London and Kelsey and I made the best decisions of our lives. 
We went to see Thriller Live. It was honestly the funniest musical I've ever seen. We really just went to see it because it was close to where were and we had already seen all of the other shows on the street. 

It's seriously a disgrace that this show is on the same street as some of the best theater I've ever seen. 

This show didn't have a plot. It was literally just different people singing Michael Jackson songs and people crazy dancing in American Apparel clothing. I'm really glad I saw the show though because it really rekindled my love for Michael Jackson.

I'm so excited to be back in London!

I have less than a week left. I'm sad........

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